Because of the current Covid 19 lock-down, the United Cricket Club Board and Club Council have decided on the following -
If the Government DOES NOT lift the Lv3 lock-down on Wednesday 26th August 2020, that we will postpone the AGM (due to be held on Sunday 30th of August) to a more manageable date, where there is allowable social mixing (November - December 2020)
The present Board and Club Council will continue their work to arrange the start and early part of the season, till a new date (as noted above) is found. The club will then go through due process and confirm the AGM.
If the Government moves out of the lock-down on Wednesday, and we have all the correct protocols (Venue been able to be mixing allowed) then the meeting will go ahead.NB - The Board and Club Council will confirm whether the above will go ahead as soon as we get confirmation from government before Wednesday 26th August...PLEASE WATCH THIS SITE for that information.
We understand this whole process is a little messy, however we feel that we need to try and up hold our constitution and its rules the best we can, in these very trying times
Board and Club Council
United Cricket Club
(Counties Manukau Incorporated)