Contractors appointed by Auckland City Council began work on Stage One of the Drainage Plan for the Drury Sports Complex today (Tues 29th May). The project will be completed in two stages. The plan is to put drainage across all of the top fields (everywhere including the rugby field, excepting the #2 lower field).

Stage One is underway - this week, there is basically a big loop of ring main (drains/pipes) going in around each field which will collect water and discharge it at the back of the changing rooms down into the stream. All work is taking place around the periphery of the fields. This stage does require good weather. So, if it rains heavily & has to be halted, work may be postponed until after winter.
Assuming good weather and completion of this stage, Stage Two is to put in trenches across the fields. This stage will close the fields for at least 6 weeks.
